Thursday, 19 June 2014

I have been struggling with the work of maintaining my blog. mostly because of my schedule, but also because I have doubts that what I write might be interesting to anyone else that might read it. Then I came across Edutopia and knew that it was something I had to share with anyone that might be following my blog. 
Within the confines of our Moodle classroom, the students that are in my class are able to share our resources through our discussion forums. That access only lasts as long as the course is on though. What do we do when it's over and we still have things to share or are looking for feedback comments on items in a post? The internet is such a huge sea of information that we can never hope to see all there is that might interest us. By having a blog that is followed and shared by others with similar interests, we are able to increase our span and also enjoy feedback through comments left by those who have read what we have to say.
So for those who might be following my blog,(now that I finally posted where to find it!), please check out Edutopia. I think you'll find it nothing short of amazing!

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