Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Instructional Strategies Video

For the last three weeks I have been struggling with how to bring this project to life.
I had no prior experience with creating even the most common of presentations, the PowerPoint.
The first struggle was trying to wrap my head around the variety of strategies to choose from and then actually pick one that interested me.

Then I found PowToons and stumbled upon one of the tutorials they had on how to make it happen. It turned out to be the missing ingredient I needed. Here's the link to the tutorial:

That being said, my video is based on Problem-Based Learning. The main reference source for me was an article written by Jim Jozwiak in the MPAEA Journal of Adult Education in the Spring 2004 Edition. That along with the books listed at the end of the video, combined with the work of two of my favourite sleuths and there you have a video.

There are many ways to utilize PBL in our classes and being able to glamorize the process by linking it to The Mythbusters just makes it more intriguing for the students. Their first thought, no doubt is "do we get to blow stuff up?".
Sorry guys, no such luck!
So here it is, I hope you find something you can use from it in your class.

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