Saturday, 7 June 2014

Visible Learning

In researching material to support the concept of Visible Learning, it is impossible to miss the works of Dr. John Hattie. In his book Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning, he explains that the 'visible' aspect refers to making learning by the students visible to teachers. By this he says, he is describing the "clear identification of the attributes that make a visible difference to student learning". It also refers to "making teaching visible to the student, such that they learn to become their own teachers". He believes that it is this act of becoming their own teachers,  that the students need in order to become lifelong learners.
His three books:

 An interesting video where Dr. Hattie explains the role of the teacher in the process of Visible Learning. Although not necessarily a fast-paced interview, I encourage you to pay particular attention to how he describes the role of the teacher in terms of knowing their impact on the student's learning. Also if you catch at least the last two minutes, they have listed the eight mindsets described by Dr. Hattie.

Interview with Dr. John Hattie

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