Monday, 9 June 2014

More on Visible Learning

In the latest Journal entry for 3250, I looked at visible learning as described  by Geoff Petty in his two books Teaching Today: A Practical Guide and Evidence-Based Teaching: A Practical Approach. Petty has brought the works of Hattie and Marzano, in particular, together in a plain language set of manuals that we can easily adapt as guides in our classrooms. Below is my comment on how I believe I can incorporate this into my teaching.

            Approaching the process of learning with the mindset described by Kolb and applying the strategies of Graham Gibbs (as adapted by Petty, 2009), we must follow the cycle of reflective practice. This involves four steps, review our lesson, learn what worked and what didn’t, apply a change to the methods or strategies used in the lesson based on what we learned, and then do, or carry out, the change as we try to teach the lesson again in the next setting or group of students. Making use of a reflective journal is one very effective way to perform the self-assessment needed to document the feedback needed to ‘see’ whether our students understand the content and have acquired the skills to move on to the next level of challenge in the learning.

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