Tuesday, 10 June 2014


In our latest round of discussions, the topic of motivation and how to help students be motivated , hit the table.
This Ted Talk presented by Dan Pink was the firestarter for our discussions:

Earlier this year I came across a book by Steven Pressfield titled, The War of Art. In it Mr. Pressfield gives a great lesson on the significance of motivation and how we are responsible for providing our own. He speaks of combatting the outside influences that we allow to take precedence and drag us away from what we know we should be doing. Instead of practicing the lines for the upcoming play so that the audience thinks of the person on stage not the actor playing the part, we instead go for coffee because a friend has dropped by. Instead of staying in to do the reading required for the upcoming exam, or putting pencil to paper to improve our sketching details, we get up and do the house cleaning that we have been putting off.

The key is we allow ourselves to make the necessary excuses to justify doing something other than that which will make us better or more skilled at what we have set as our goals.

If you get a chance, pick up a copy or download it to your Kobo or Kindle reader, and give it a read. Perhaps it will be just what you need to help find your motivation.

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